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  史蒂文斯作品_阿爾弗雷德·埃米爾·利奧波德·史蒂文斯油畫作品欣賞 總共176幅作品,本頁1 - 16幅。
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阿爾弗雷德·埃米爾·利奧波德·史蒂文斯(1823511- 1906824),比利時畫家。


阿爾弗雷德·史蒂文斯出生于布魯塞爾。他來自一個從事視覺藝術的家庭:他的哥哥約瑟夫(1816-1892)和兒子利奧波德(1886 -1935)是畫家,而另一個哥哥亞瑟(1825-99)是一位藝術品交易商和評論家。他的父親曾在荷蘭威廉一世(William I)的軍隊里參加過拿破侖戰(zhàn)爭,是一位藝術收藏家,擁有尤金德拉克羅瓦(Eugene Delacroix)和其他藝術家的幾幅水彩畫。他母親的父母在布魯塞爾開了一家名為“友誼咖啡館”(Cafe de lamitie)的咖啡館,是政治家、作家和藝術家的聚會場所。所有斯蒂文斯的孩子都從他們在那里遇到的人,以及他們在成長過程中在重要人物身邊學到的社交技巧中受益。

1837年,父親去世后,史蒂文斯離開中學,前往布魯塞爾皇家美術學院(academy ie Royale des Beaux-Arts)學習。在那里,他認識了新古典主義畫家弗朗索瓦·納維茲(Francois Navez)。按照傳統(tǒng)的課程,他在頭兩年從古典雕塑的模型中提取素材,然后從真人模型中提取素材。1843年,斯蒂文斯去了巴黎,加入他已經(jīng)在那里的哥哥約瑟夫的行列。他被巴黎最重要的藝術學院巴黎美術學院錄取。盡管有人說他是導演讓·奧古斯特·多米尼克·安格爾的學生,但這可能不是真的。史蒂文斯早期的一幅畫《赦免或赦免》(The Pardon or Absolution, Hermitage, St. Petersburg)1849年簽署,日期為1849年。這幅畫顯示了他對傳統(tǒng)自然主義風格的掌握,這在很大程度上要歸功于17世紀的荷蘭風俗畫。就像比利時畫家、他在巴黎的朋友弗洛倫斯·約瑟夫·瑪麗·威勒姆斯(Florent Joseph Marie Willems, 1823-1905)一樣,史蒂文斯仔細研究了杰拉德·特爾·伯奇(Gerard ter Borch)和加布里埃爾·梅蘇(Gabriel Metsu)等畫家的作品。


Alfred émile Léopold Stevens (11 May 1823 - 24 August 1906) was a Belgian painter.

Alfred Stevens was born in Brussels. He came from a family involved with the visual arts: his older brother Joseph (1816-1892) and his son Léopold (1866-1935) were painters, while another brother Arthur (1825-99) was an art dealer and critic. His father, who had fought in the Napoleonic wars in the army of William I of the Netherlands, was an art collector who owned several watercolors by Eugène Delacroix, among other artists. His mother's parents ran Café de l'Amitié in Brussels, a meeting place for politicians, writers, and artists. All the Stevens children benefited from the people they met there, and the social skills they acquired in growing up around important people.

After the death of his father in 1837, Stevens left middle school to begin study at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, where he knew François Navez, the Neo-Classical painter and former student of Jacques-Louis David who was its director and an old friend of Stevens' grandfather. Following a traditional curriculum, he drew from casts of classical sculpture for the first two years, and then drew from live models. In 1843, Stevens went to Paris, joining his brother Joseph who already was there. He was admitted to the école des Beaux-Arts, the most important art school in Paris. Although it is said that he became a student of its director Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, this is likely not true. An early picture by Stevens, The Pardon or Absolution (Hermitage, St. Petersburg), signed and dated 1849, shows his mastery of a conventional naturalistic style which owes much to 17th-century Dutch genre painting. Like the Belgian painter and friend with whom he stayed in Paris, Florent Joseph Marie Willems (1823-1905), Stevens carefully studied works by painters such as Gerard ter Borch and Gabriel Metsu.

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